Location: Bali Safari Park
Lazy Tiger! |
I like the word "indolence." It makes my laziness seem classy.
We all have days like this, days we don't want to worry about the outside world, days we can't be bothered going out in the cold. It could be a day lazing on a beach, or not even getting out of bed. I think this would be a good time to share my tips to a perfect lazy day.
Cute Pyjamas- There is nothing more comfortable than your cutest pair of PJ's. My favorite attire for a lazy day is my over sized pink PJ pants(an elephant could fit its legs in them), and my favorite fleecy hoody. If the plan is to be in your PJ's all day they have to be comfy.
Perfect Place- You don't want to spend your lazy day in a room or a place you don't enjoy being. It's could be the beach, your bedroom, on the couch or in your own backyard. If it is a nice day & the sun is shining, I like to spend most my day sitting on my veranda, in the sun reading a book I can't put down. But on those terrible cold & grey days there is nothing better than on the couch, heater on and snuggled up in my favorite blanket.
Entertainment- Maybe you like to sleep all day, maybe not. Favorite books, movies & activities are ideal on your lazy day. Reading & TV is usually my entertainment of choice. Grabbing a good book or reading some of my favorite blogs, with either Glee or the Big Bang Theory playing on the T.V.
Treats- Remember all those guilty pleasures you have, well your lazy day is the day you can get away with them, without feeling any guilt! Make your self a hot chocolate and fill it with marshmallows, raid the lolly jar you pushed to the back of the cupboard, eat ice-cream out of the tub and order take out from your favorite restaurant!
Spoil your self- There is many ways to spoil your self. A bubble bath, Face-mask, Light all those candles or find a spot of grass and soak up the sunshine. Just remember it is a day about you & you have to do what ever it takes to keep a smile on your face!
Those are some of my tips for an Amazing lazy day.
Dani xx